EMR standardization service enables to standardize milk mid infrared (MIR) spectra directly at the sources, across milk labs, brands and models of spectrometers.
MIR technology is more and more used to develop new algorithms for the detection of specific milk components and the prediction of complex phenotypes related to animal’s physiology. However, for new milk components it is difficult and sometimes impossible to use specific calibration solutions, especially because the multiplication of calibration solutions is not a sustainable solution in the lab. Moreover it is impossible to use such calibration solution for the new physiological indicators of the animal. It’s obvious for example that there is no possibility to calibrate a solution based on the methane emissions of the animal.
Standardization represents the mean for implementing prediction of a wide range of new phenotypes from the milk spectrum on a routine basis in the lab.CRA-W is the technical operator of the EMR standardization service which is based on the modelling of EMR virtual Master apparatus.
EMR EEIG standardization service enables to standardize milk Mid Infrared spectra directly at the source. This brings a global solution to input milk labs’ results into recent algorithms that predict new molecules or physiological indicators of dairy cows, and for which there is no way to use usual calibration procedures based on calibration solutions and slope and bias correction. For example we strongly recommend to use a method to insure good predictions with fatty acids, minerals, acetone, BHB or methane equations. Standardization is one of the solutions for that.
The standardisation service also includes :
How does it work?
• You upload a file with raw spectral data coming from the FT-MIR apparatus
• We standardise them and calculate the MIR based predictions
• You download your results file