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The Alsace Chamber of Agriculture (CAA) is a professional body whose aim is to defend and represent Alsace’s agriculture. The assembly is elected through universal suffrage and has three main missions: to advise the public authorities and other stakeholders; to provide farmers with technical and economic support; and to hold consultancy missions.

At the CAA we participate in the acquisition of knowledge, we monitor, advise, support stakeholders from the agricultural world. Thanks to our expertise, we plan conservation and restoration actions, and we work in favour of biodiversity. One of our goals is also to raise awareness and educate the public regarding agricultural matters.

The CAA represents 4,177 farmers who are supported and monitored to help their businesses succeed. Our 198 employees work every day to improve and develop the farming profession, together with 90 elected representatives who are sensitive to the diversity of agriculture.

The CAA’s livestock department is part of the joint 3CE livestock department in the same way as the livestock departments of the Haute-Marne and Moselle Chambers of Agriculture.

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