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Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech is a faculty of the University of Liège exclusively dedicated to life sciences and bioengineering.

Founded over 160 years ago and part of the Université de Liège since October 2009, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech is a faculty on a human scale, located in the centre of Belgium, with state-of-the-art facilities that make it a veritable open-air ​laboratory for its students and researchers. Four distinct courses enable students to specialise in key areas of the life sciences: environmental sciences and technologies, management of forests and natural areas, agronomic sciences, chemistry and bioindustries.

With its Ecotron, botanical garden, market gardening areas, urban agriculture platform, analysis laboratories and pilot teaching equipment, the faculty trains academics and engineers capable of meeting the expectations of a rapidly changing society in the fields of environmental protection, agronomic production, and the processing and valorisation of bioresources.

Through our research units, we could develop our skills on a national and international scale in two main areas: « living resources and the environment » and « bioproducts and consumers ». At Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, we favour a multidisciplinary and integrative approach within these research fields, which are closely linked to sustainable development.

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